Walking Works!
Getting started on or staying engaged in a physical fitness routine really might be just about taking one step at a time. That's right - putting one foot in front of the other, for as little as 30-minutes a day - can help improve your physical and mental health and help you build regular healthy habits.
Walking is low impact and can be modified to any intensity: take a leisurely stroll or lace up those sneakers and get your power walk on! Both have benefits for cardiovascular fitness and bone health. Additionally, walking requires no equipment and just some supportive shoes. It's possible you already have exactly what you need to get started -- and keep going!
Looking for some tips to keep your regimen fresh and stave off boredom? Here are a few ways you can keep walking fun and interesting:
- Join the YMCA of Central KY October Go the Distance Challenge in our mobile app. When you log 25 miles over the course of the month, you'll be entered to win one of three great prizes.
- Sign up for the YMCA of Central KY Black Cat Chase 5K on October 28! This fun walk/run through downtown Frankfort is a family-friendly, fun event that raises money for the Y's Annual Giving Campaign. Walk consistently through October to get those legs ready for 3.1 miles of a unique route near the state capital and surrounding area.
- Change up your route
- Hit up one of the YMCA of Central KY locations that have a walking track and see how many laps you can get in.
- Head outside! Near our Ys, the Beaumont/Harrods Hills and Hamburg neighborhoods are very walker-friendly. The area surrounding High St. offers great downtown views (and lots of options for a mid-walk coffee!). The North Lexington YMCA sits adjacent to Lexington's Legacy Trail.
- Learn how to use the treadmills! Our Wellness staff can help you get acquainted with the equipment so you can always have an option to get some steps in - no matter what the Kentucky weather is doing!
- Find a walking buddy The socialization can be as good for your mind as the walking is for your body.
- Rethink your goals Instead of taking one long walk, why not aim for several short ones through the day? Pick a place a little farther than you would normally go, and walk instead of drive.
Do you have tips for getting more steps in? We'd love to hear them! Email us at marketing@ymcacky.org or tag us on social (we're active on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn!) and we just might share your ideas!